Who do you ship through?

We ship all orders through the United States Postal Service.

When your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number to the e-mail provided.

You can track your package at www.usps.com

When will my order ship?

Orders are usually shipped out within 2-3 business days.

Orders placed on Friday and the weekends will go out the next week.

We do not ship on Saturday, Sunday or on holidays.

Where is my package?

If your tracking says your package has been delivered, yet it's nowhere to be found please contact your local post office.

Also, be sure to check with reception or the office if you live in a building with multiple residents.

If your tracking is not updating for some reason, please contact your local post office. They can check on the status for you.

Be sure to check your order information to make sure you entered the correct shipping information.

My order is incorrect, or I'm missing an item.

If your order arrives and is incorrect, please contact us through our online store page within 3 days of receiving your order. Be sure to include any pertinent information such as what is incorrect, what you should have received, your email and order number. We will do our best to fix the issue.

If you are missing an item, please check your email to be sure we haven't sent you an email stating an item was flawed or out of stock. If you have not received this and a refund, please message us to let us know about the missing item. Contact us through our online store page. Please be sure to include what item is missing, your order number and email. You can also visit our return portal to fill out a return form for your incorrect order/missing item. 

My item arrived defective, now what?

If you believe that you have received a flawed or broken item, please contact us right away (within 3 days of receiving your order). Send us a message with a photo of the flaw or break and your order number. If you do not contact us within 3 days of receiving the item we can only assume the damage is from wear. You can also visit our return portal to fill out a return form for a damaged item. 

I would like to exchange something, how do I do this?

We do not do exchanges. Due to the limited quantity of our merchandise we cannot guarantee that the item you want to exchange for will be available when we receive your return. We will not exchange an item for a different item. We strongly recommend that you place a new order for the item you are wanting in order to make sure you get it.

I placed an order and then I received a refund, what's going on?

Unfortunately, it means that an item in your order is not available or that we found an issue with the item. We will usually send an e-mail alerting you that an item is out of stock or flawed and that you have been refunded.

An item I want is out of stock, will it be restocked?
Unfortunately, we cannot always reorder the items we have carried. If an item sells out super quick, we will try as hard as we can to restock it. The restock may be in a few days or it could be a few weeks. It all depends on how quickly our vendor can get us the merchandise.

How come some items don't come in bigger sizes?

When we order products from the vendors they usually only come in sizes Small-Large. If the item is available in more sizes then we will order those as well. The vendors do not take sizing requests and we get what is available.